Saturday, May 17, 2008

We don't have any watch dog like print media

The print media in India,have a watchdog in the form of the Press Council Of India,which may not have the punitive powers,but can give warning and sought explanation from media professional and media houses.But, there are no such watch dog for the electronic media.TV news channels often ignore the basic code of conduct.Last year, a national news channel carried out a 'sting operation' where they falsly implicate a mathematics teacher of Delhi claming that she was luring students into the flesh trade.Later,Police found that she was was framed and the reporter who conducted the 'sting operation' was arrested . The Editor's Guild of Indioa set up a sub-committe to consider the draft broadcast Services Regulation Bill and Content Code for the electronic media has come up with or more about code of ethics please (then click code of ethics onthe suggestion for a code of ethics for news and cuttent affairs channels.But,until such thing happens,I recommend that we should follow the code of Ethics and professional conduct adopted by Radio TV News Directors Association(USA).As a Investigative Reporter,we often use hidden cameras or spy cameras.
Before using hidden/spy cameras we should follow this procedures:
What is the role of video in the story?Is it essential?Does it bring real value?
Is it necessary to use a hidden camera in this story?why?
Have you used all traditional means to investigate the story,including interviews and reviewing public records,databases and documents? and much more.

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